'When asked, 'Can you marry us?, the answer will have to be, 'No, because I choose not to,' rather than, 'No, that's something that I cannot do,'' said Ben Thorpe, a minister in Glasgow, 'and that creates pastoral difficulties as well for everyone on both sides of the debate.' (For the computer article Click Here. Those in favor of same-sex marriage have celebrated the move as welcoming, but others in the church fear that even though they would not be forced to participate, the move puts pastors who oppose same-sex marriage in a more difficult position.
The Presbyterian denomination is preparing new suggested liturgy to bless same-sex marriages as well as guidance for the change in church law. The church's General Assembly has approved an overture that allows parish ministers and deacons to apply for authorization to marry same-sex couples. The Church of Scotland ministers are now permitted to perform same-sex marriages if they choose.